Saturday, January 11, 2014

Just Thinking About...The Power of a Thank You

As many of you read yesterday, driving in Medford was very tricky. Our transportation department, which consists of more than fifty-five members, had the daunting task of bringing students in grades K-8 to school. Buses were late, some didn't make it to their stop at all, they were "grounded", and yet they all made as many runs as they could. Many drivers helped their students (and make no mistake about it, they are THEIR students) from their homes to the bus, others made the suggestion that perhaps parents may want to wait a bit and bring students in themselves, but the underlying focus was safety and care.

As a thank you, I am reaching out to the Facebook Community of parents, assistants, and staff members to see if each school can greet one of the buses with at least a dozen of something (bagels, cupcakes, brownies, whatever). If each school does that, we would have more than fifty-five "thank you"s for our members. They can bring the goodies back to the transportation center and share it with others throughout the day.

Let's see if this works and how many people will respond. It would also be nice of the Board of Education and adminstration would do something...including sending a thank you email to ALL the staff members. I'm sure they are working on this now.

So...just you think it will work?

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